MEN’S BIBLE STUDY/FELLOWSHIP: Our next men’s meeting is THIS Saturday, December 21st at 9am in the Fellowship Room. We are currently studying the book of Luke.
MEMBERSHIP CLASS: Next class will be Saturday December 28th at 9am in the Fellowship room. Please see Pastor Dave for more info.
LADIES BREAKFAST & BIBLE: Our ladies meet on the first Saturday of every month. Please join us January 4th, from 9 – 11:30am. The topic is: The Holy Spirit: Being Filled vs. Quenching. Please sign up on the bulletin board.
MAUREEN’S HAVEN HOMELESS OUTREACH: Save the dates: 1/12/25; 3/9/25 Please sign up on the bulletin board to serve (see Vic Balchunas for more info)
CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS: Olympians grades 1-6; Youth Group grades 7-12 meet every Friday when school is in session, 6:30-8:15pm
SMALL GROUPS: Meet in various homes throughout the week. See one of the elders for more details.
INTERCESSORY PRAYER GUIDES: Available on back table in foyer.