Greetings, thank you for taking an interest in Calvary Baptist Church!
We hope our website will help you learn more about us, and we would love to have you stop in for a visit. God is at work here and we are excited about what He is doing!
We are far from perfect at CBC. Many of us are broken and hurting. All of us are sinful, and “poor in spirit” (Mathew 5:3) however this qualifies us for the gospel!
Jesus Christ said he came not for the righteous but for sinners (Luke 5:31-31)
David Powlison, an author, and executive director of CCEF asked this
” Are you too bad to receive grace?
How could you be too bad, to receive what is for the bad?”
None of us are perfect. We have all sinned, and fallen short of God’s expectations.
We want to be God of our own lives rather than allowing God to be God. (Romans 3:10-12. Isaiah 53:6). and the Bible calls this sin.
This sin has created a separation between you and your God.
But Christ came to bridge that Gap.
“But God,” the bible says “being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our sins, made us alive together with Christ.”
God shows his love for us that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us! (Romans 5:8).
He took God’s wrath for us, paid the penalty for our sin, took our punishment, and provided a way towards forgiveness and freedom from our sin and God’s righteous judgement!
Would you like to know more about this good news?
Come visit us, get to know us, get to know God himself.